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Take care of elders … 

Listening to my environment I began to wonder about the lack of democratization of functional home automation applied by its protocol number one, which is the KNX (digital and non-mechanical control).
The comparison can be clearly illustrated by a word processor performed with a typewriter and another by computer.
Offers technically serious could have been made, so that the population has a less gadget and more useful approach to home automation ... the result would be that it would become an essential tool and necessary to improve living conditions and environmental.

Reduced on the social level, the consumption of home automation remains dedicated to a well-off category of the population. The financial and demographic orientation of the company determined my investment in the market.
The demographic evolution of Switzerland and France tends towards an aging of the society, the pyramids of ages images this transition by representing the life expectancy on a quantity of men and women (OFS Neuchâtel 2014).
An increase of seniors in institutes or at home is the consequence. For this part of society more and more numerous; a home automation positioning would be wise.
After taking into account their relative needs in terms of home automation; an extension of my offer came to interfere with technical evidence in the service of health.
The lack of communication between health professionals, the absence or non-use of technologies at home or in institutions, accentuates itself; arising from a complexity of use or simply lack of time.
Thanks to the analysis of the situation I made the connection between old people and disabled people by the mimicry of taking charge of health services; that's why my offer is geared towards dependent people in general. The technical difficulties of taking care of our seniors and dependent persons can be improved by effective technologies.
My approach is trivial; the allegory is to make me the orchestra master of new technologies in the service of health and dependent people.

That is why the human being and the improvement of the living conditions, by the optimization of the effective technologies are integral parts of our motivations.
The vagaries and evolution of life will lead you directly or indirectly to realize the importance of the personalized offer proposed by Mont Blanc Réseaux.








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